National Ideas Competition for the Washington Monument Grounds*
The competition of ideas asked for ideas on ways to "make these iconic but unfinished grounds more welcoming, educational, and effectively used by the public for decades to come". The multi-stage process narrowed down over 500 entries from around the world to six finalists, and then invited the public to vote for "People's Choice" favorites.
A Great Inclined Plane, our winning proposal, draws its initial inspiration from the experience of the enormous crowds at the inauguration in 2008. The basic idea is to extend the Mall with a great inclined viewing platform that would bridge over the interrupting grade crossings at 14th and 15th streets. Two axes, referring to the ancient Cardo and Decumanus, that cut through the plane and intersect at the Jefferson Pier at an open courtyard underground, is a deliberate recreation of a foundation myth.

Disquiet: Absence of bodily or mental quietness; disturbance; uneasiness, anxiety, worry; restlessness; unrest.

Inaugurate: To take omens from the flight of birds, to consecrate or install after taking such omens or auguries.